Watch CreepyPasta from some of the biggest channels on YouTube in one place
Channels like CreepsMcPasta, CreepyPastaJr, Mr. Creeps, Mr. Nightmare, MrCreepyPasta and more
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*Requires the app to set cookies
All content is received from YouTube via the
YouTube Data API.
The content is under copyright by the respective content creators.
Videos shown are embedded youtube videos and may show adds, in which case all earnings go to the youtube channel. The app itself does not have any adds and I don't make any money of it.
I made the app after YouTube removed the feature to group select channels. It became a hassle to go to the channels seperately, and I missed the overview of newest videos, only by the creepypasta channels.
The app is now in version 3, which besides a new design inspired by Netflix, also comes with massive speed improvements.